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Final MatCh Between All Star & Mancherster United

  • 1st match all star won 1/0
  • final match mancherster united won 2/1

The wiNner Team : Mancherster United
  1. Jarrah : Chealse shirt
  2. Sulaiman : Black shirt
  3. Saoud : orange shirt
  4. HaMed : Brazil shirt
  5. Bader : Grean & White shirt
  6. Yousef : White shirt
Bader Between JoseP and Oscar ------- >


<------------ Saoud & Sulaiman


All Star team
  1. Ricard : Blue shirt
  2. Joao : Green & Red Shirt
  3. Leo : White shirt
  4. JoseP : BarceloNa shirt
  5. Mawritzo : Red Shirt
  6. Oscar : Arsenal Shirt
<------------ waiting the ball


Six In One ---------->


<---------------- Goal


Friends For EveR